10th Class Chemistry Chapter 10 Solved Exercise Short Questions

Acids, Bases and Salts

10th Class Chemistry Chapter 10 Solved Exercise Short Questions

Q 1 : Name three common household substances having 

a. pH value greater than 7

  1. Caustic soda ( NaOH )
  2. Milk of magnesia ( Mg(OH)2 )
  3. Ca (OH)2
  4. Soap
  5. Detergents
  6. Shampoo

b. pH value less than 7 

  1. Sour milk ( lactic acid )
  2. Apple ( Malic acid )
  3. Lemon ( citric acid )

c. pH value equal to 7 

  1. Table salt solution ( NaCl )
  2. Water ( H2O)
  3. Calcium Chloride ( CaCl2 )

Q 2 : Define a base and explain that all alkalies are bases, but all bases are not alkalies .

Base :

” A specie that releases OH ions in an aqueous solution , accepts a proton and donates an electron pair is called a base . “

Alkali :

” Water soluble base is called an alkali . ”

Explanation : Alkali gives ( OH ) hydroxide ions in solution rapidly but all bases do not give OH ions . So , all alkalies are bases but all bases are not alkalies .

Q 3 : Define Bronsted-Lowry base and explain with an example that water is a Bronsted-Lowry base .

Bronsted-Lowry base :

” A base is a substance that can accept a proton ( H+ ) from another substance .”

Explanation : Water is a Bronsted-Lowry base because water accepts a proton to form hydronium ion .

Q 4 : How can you justify that Bronsted-Lowry concept of acid and base is applicable to non-aqueous solutions ?

Justification : According to Bronsted-Lowry concept :

  • An Acid is a substance which donates a proton ( H+ ).
  • A Base is a substance which accepts a proton ( H+ ).

So , there is no need of water for a specie to b called Bronsted-Lowry acid or base .

Hence , this concept is applicable to non-aqueous solutions .

Q 5 : Which kind of bond is formed between Lewis acid and a base ?


Q 6 : Why H+ ion act as a Lewis acid ?

H+ ( Lewis acid ) : H+ ion acts as a Lewis acid because H+ can accept a pair of electrons due to empty first shell .

It completes its valence shell by gaining a pair of electrons , So ,it acts as Lewis acid .

Q 7 : Name two acids used in the manufacture of fertilizers .

  1. Nitric acid ( HNO3 )
  2. Sulphuric acid ( H2SO4 )

Q 8 :  Define pH . What is the pH of pure water ?

pH :

” The negative logarithm of molar concentration of hydrogen ion is called pH . “


Q 9 : How many times a solution of pH 1 will be stronger than that of a solution having pH 2 ?

The solution of pH 1 is 10 times stronger than the solution of pH 2 .

Because solution of pH 1 has 10 times higher concentration of [ H+ ] ions than pH 2 .

Q 10 : Define the followings :

i . Normal salt :

ii. Basic salt :


Q 11 : Na2SO4 is a neutral salt while NaHSO4 is an acid salt. Justify .

  • NaHSO4 is formed by Na+ ions by partial replacement of hydrogen ions . It turns blue litmus paper to red . So , it is an acidic salt .
  • While Na2SO4 is formed by complete replacement of hydrogen ions by Na+ ions . It does not turn blue litmus paper red . So, it is normal or neutral salt .

Q 12 : Give a few characteristic properties of salts .

Characteristic Properties of Salts :

  • Salts are found in crystalline form .
  • Salts have high melting and boiling points .
  • Mostly salts have water of crystallization which is responsible for shape of crystals .
  • Salts are neutral compounds .
  • Salts are usually soluble in water

Examples :

  • CuSO4.5H2O
  • CaSO4.2H2O

Q 13 : How are the soluble salts recovered from water ?

First saturated solution is prepared by dissolving the given salt in water .

Then solution is filtered using a funnel .

Then the filtrate is crystallized by slow evaporation .

  • So, In this way , Soluble salts are separated / recovered by Filtration and Crystallization process .

Q 14 : How are the insoluble salts prepared ?

Preparation of Insoluble Salts :

In this method , usually solution of soluble salts are mixed . During the reaction , exchange of ionic radicals takes place to produce two new salts . One is insoluble and the other is soluble . Insoluble salt precipitates and is filtered out .




Q 15 : Why is a salt neutral ? Explain with an example .



Q 16 : Name an acid used in the preservation of food .

Acetic acid ( CH3COOH ) and Benzoic acid ( C6H6COOH ) are natural food preservatives .

Q 17 : Name the acids present in :

i. Vinegar :

Acetic acid

ii. Ant sting :

Formic acid

iii. Citrus fruit :

Citric acid

iv. Sour milk :

Lactic acid

Q 18 : How can you justify that Pb(OH)NO3 is a basic salt ?

Justification :

Pb(OH)NO3 is formed by the incomplete neutralization of poly-hydroxy base with acids , so it is a basic salt .

  • It means that normal salt will be formed if reacts with acid .

Q 19 : You are in a need of an acidic salt. How can you prepare it ?


Q 20 : Which salt is used to prepare plaster of Paris ?

Calcium Sulphate (Gypsum) CaSO4.2H2O , is used to prepare Plaster of Paris .

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